Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow

We are experiencing our first "real" snow of the year, and its tending to slow the (otherwise!) hectic pace of our site's work with area children and families. Jim and Kim (rhyming names!) were out shoveling the sidewalks first thing this morning, as various fearless intrepid staff arrived at work. The Shelter, of course, trudges along, with dedicated staff filling the shifts around the clock, despite the weather. Today, the shelter is having a third installment of the New Directions training for youth care worker staff. Wood County schools is cancelled again today, and likely tomorrow, so that causes the Mid Town Family Resource Center to shift into different mode; no after school care, but more youth coming in for the "drop out" aspect during the day, to use the computers and play games, and perhaps, help out with some chores, or duties around the storefronts. (And always hungry for a snack of some sort!!!)
Some meetings that staff would be involved in are cancelled, and the home visitors of the early childhood program are challenged to figure out their own individual ways to stay in touch with clients, and offer support.

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