Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday night at the office

I have been feeling the need to work on the "stuff" in the loft over my desk and the only conceivable time to work on it is on the weekend when no one else is around. So I am in here, and end up with Luke coming in to use a computer, to work on a resume for a job hunt (yeah!!) and then two neighborhood boys come in also to get on computers. I dig through old boxes and discard lots of stuff, and find little gems of resources for the positive youth development work, and the neighborhood empowering of youth material. I scratch my head trying to envision a game plan to better utilize this "door number 4" space and how to move towards a better arrangement.
Tomorrow morning brings a shelter staff meeting, the summer youth work program kick off (orientation for these youth), and things gearing up for the end of the fiscal year.

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