Thursday, August 20, 2009

shifting gears to school year routines

This week may best be characterized as shifting gears to a school year routine. The summer program is completed; the Mid Town Family Resource Center is taking a "break"- and gearing up for the after school program to begin next week when Wood County Schools starts on Wednesday. The Neighborhood Day (Sept 19th) won't be too far behind. A few new staff will be added. Many staff in the other various programs are also gearing up for slightly different routines in the school year; when visits can occur, in the foster care program, and such. Nikki Staats is back on the job of the homeless student liaison work with Wood County schools and any identified homeless students. Melissa Jameson will be gearing up for the school year at VanDevender with the advantage of starting a brand new school year (she began mid-year last year, and so a school year where she can hit the ground running is exciting!!) Mr. Apgar will be back to work with shelter students who are not in school settings. And we hope to have an after school tutor (certified teacher) for the shelter and neighborhood middle and high school students, under a new Economic Recovery Education grant, also aligned with the McKinney Vento homeless student act.
We are getting a tile floor in "suite 4" today; and then the big re-arranging will begin for the food pantry and clothing closet, and Shelley and Steve's office space. Then the foster care visiting area, and their office space can be rejuvenated!
So, there is plenty going on!! A special thanks to Andrew Bissell, an Ohio University student, who is volunteering here at the end of the summer, and pitching in wherever he can!!

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