Friday, August 21, 2009

Today's Transitioning to Adulthood life skills fair

The VISTA's and transitional living (Runaway and Homeless Youth) staff organized a life skills "fair" today for young people transitioning to adulthood. They had done a good job of planning and arranging this 4 hour event. Unfortunately the turnout was disappointing!!! So, our hard working team had to re-group and shift gears- but they remain undaunted in their efforts to advocate for young people in this transition to adulthood. Missy is gearing up for her recruiting of mentors for youth in the target population, and will attend the agency's orientation for new WE CAN coordinators next week. We say good by next week to Kindra after her year of service to VISTA- she will be missed, and remembered fondly for her spunk and spirit; and we hope she stays involved here, as she starts college out at WVU-P. Patty is playing host this weekend, to another VISTA, Memory Cooper, who is with Mission WV in Putnam County, working on a similar VISTA project as our Missy Storey. So we hope to see a lot of good partnering between the two projects this coming year.

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